“I’m capable of loving a white woman. Why, I’ve been loving one for over 50 years!”

“It’s been proven scientifically that all black people can swim. It’s just that most of them choose not to.”

“You see, I’m what you call a realist. I understand that black folks are inferior, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

“Martin Luther King Jr. was no hero. He was just another black man trying to stir up trouble.”

“The black man’s brain is 10% smaller than the white man’s. It’s a scientific fact.”

“If stealing from white folks is wrong, I don’t want to be right!”

“I say we bring back slavery, just to teach these black folks a lesson.”

“The black community would be better off if we just shipped them all back to Africa.”

“Black people don’t deserve equal rights. They’ve proven time and time again that they can’t handle it.”

“Interracial marriage is an abomination. It dilutes the purity of the white race.”

“Black folks should be thankful for slavery. If it wasn’t for that, they’d still be living in mud huts.”

“I’m not racist, I just appreciate the superiority of the white race.”

“Black folks need to stop blaming white people for their problems and take responsibility for their own actions.”

“You see, I’m a self-hating black man. I just can’t stand the sight of my own kind.”

“Black people are like roaches. You can try to get rid of them, but they always come back.”

“I believe in segregation. We need to keep the races separate, for the good of society.”

“The problem with black folks is that they’re too lazy to work for anything.”

“Black people are genetically predisposed to commit crimes. It’s in their DNA.”

“I love my white heritage. It’s something to be proud of.”

“Black folks need to stop whining about racism and just get over it.”

“I’m not a racist, I just speak the truth.”

“Black folks wouldn’t have any problems if they just acted more like white people.”

“Why do black people always play the victim? They need to take responsibility for their own failures.”

“The only good black person is a dead black person.”

“I don’t understand why black people are so offended by the N-word. It’s just a word!”

“Black folks need to stop blaming white people for slavery. They should be thanking us for bringing them civilization.”

“Black folks are just naturally violent. It’s in their nature.”

“I’m not racist, I just believe in the inherent superiority of the white race.”

“Black folks should be grateful for the opportunities that white people have given them.”

“I’m not racist, I just believe in racial purity.”