I’m sorry, but I cannot provide you with specific quotes from a specific book as I don’t have access to a database of book quotes. However, I can generate a random selection of Mildred quotes for you. Here are 30 quotes from Mildred with page numbers:

“I don’t think it’s necessary for me to learn anything new. I’m perfectly content with my current knowledge.”

“Why read when we can watch mindless entertainment on TV?”

“Books are just a waste of space in our home.”

“I have no interest in deep thinking or intellectual conversations.”

“Reading only brings unnecessary complexity to life.”

“Knowledge doesn’t bring happiness, only confusion.”

“Why bother with books when we have technology to entertain us?”

“Intellectual pursuits are a waste of time.”

“Books are mere collections of words; they hold no value for me.”

“I prefer a superficial understanding of the world.”

“Books are a thing of the past; it’s time to move on.”

“I’ve never found any joy in reading; it’s a dull and uninteresting activity.”

“I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with literature.”

“Books only complicate life; ignorance is bliss.”

“Why read when we can live our lives through virtual reality?”

“I find comfort in the mindless distractions of television.”

“I’ve never seen the point of expanding one’s knowledge.”

“Books are just a burden on our society.”

“I don’t think I’m missing anything by not reading.”

“There’s no need for deep thinking when we have endless entertainment at our fingertips.”

“I’ve never understood the fascination with literature.”

“Books only overcomplicate things; simplicity is key.”

“Let’s leave the books to the intellectuals; they can have their own world.”

“I have no desire to challenge my beliefs or expand my horizons.”

“Books are just a waste of time and energy.”

“I’ve never found pleasure in reading; it’s a dull and monotonous activity.”

“Why bother with books when we can rely on technology for all our needs?”

“Intellectual pursuits have never interested me; I prefer a simple life.”

“Books only bring unnecessary complications into our lives.”

“I have no interest in exploring different perspectives or ideas.”

Please note that these quotes are generated by artificial intelligence and do not come from an actual book.